Jan 31, 2022
'Hey guys! We wanted to delve a little deeper into the world of fast fashion: what it is, why it is detrimental to the environment and what we can do practically to help! Please remember we are learning too so we are in no way an authority on this - every day is a new day to make new decisions! Our Mentions and Recommendations: Best Dressed Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnQhwPVwcP-DnbUZtIMrupw The Ugly Truth of Fast Fashion (Patriot Act by Hasan Minhaj): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGF3ObOBbac #leadbyexamplepodcast #fastfashion #environment Credits: Beat: Late Night Drive - NK Music: https://nkmusicbeats.beatstars.com/beat/late-night-drive-5017393 https://causmic.beatstars.com/beat/drake-legend-instrumental-remake-1355554 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIpOnR7zpmg'
Tags: environment , fast fashion , fastfashion , environemnt
See also: